D-E Activities & Clubs have worked incredibly hard to bring fun and engaging programming to the student body, in many cases providing a welcome return to in-person initiatives.
MS Students ‘Learn By Doing’ in DIG 

MS Students ‘Learn By Doing’ in DIG 

D-E Middle School students taking Grade 6 Dean Tasha Urbanowski’s DIG (“D-E In the Garden”) Discovery class are learning to “meet the challenges of a changing world and make it better” in their seed-saving unit. In the fall, students collected seeds from the garden on...

JPAG Hosts Community Shabbat Dinner

JPAG Hosts Community Shabbat Dinner

The Jewish Parent Affinity Group (JPAG) recently hosted a meaningful Shabbat Dinner in the Wharton Lessin Dining Hall to share the traditions of Shabbat, feast on a D-Elightful spread from Chef Alex’s team, and celebrate the D-E community. “We were joined by...
