D-E Activities & Clubs have worked incredibly hard to bring fun and engaging programming to the student body, in many cases providing a welcome return to in-person initiatives.
D-E Welcomes Visiting Poet S.C.Says

D-E Welcomes Visiting Poet S.C.Says

D-E kicked-off National Poetry Month in a meaningful way this week by welcoming the award-winning slam poet S.C. Says.  S.C. met with both Middle and Upper School students in a series of assemblies, small group discussions and English class visits. Through sharing...

DEIB Visiting Presenters

DEIB Visiting Presenters

Last week we had the pleasure of having Dr. Elisabeth-Becker Topkara and Dr. Rachel Wahl (pictured) on campus to speak with our Middle and Upper School students. Dr. Topkara is a Fellow/Assistant Professor at the Max Weber Institute of Sociology and a scholar of...

LS Houses & Homes Assembly

LS Houses & Homes Assembly

Our 1st Grade students presented their Houses & Homes Project this week! What makes a home, and how do we homes differ across the world? Students began by first learning about continents and their features. Then in groups of 5, students built models based off of...

MS Diversity Day

MS Diversity Day

This week the Middle School celebrated Diversity Day, an all-day program hosted by Ms. Henry and the DEIB (Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging) Office. Students heard from speakers like Dr. Marsha Maxwell about the importance of inclusive AI and even saw an...

D-E 360° Peru Trip Recap

D-E 360° Peru Trip Recap

During Spring Break, a small group of 8th grade students were fortunate to travel to Peru on an incredible trip hosted by D-E 360°. From all accounts the trip was an amazing experience, including visiting the Rainbow Mountains, shopping (and bargaining!) at an...

LS SingAlong Assembly

LS SingAlong Assembly

We had a splendid time at this past week’s Lower School Assembly (Sing-along Edition!) Students from Preschool 3 to 4th Grade showcased a few songs that they’ve learned over this year. Preschool 3 & 4 sang Ella Jenkins’ “You’ll Sing a Song”. Kindergarten did a...
