D-E Activities & Clubs have worked incredibly hard to bring fun and engaging programming to the student body, in many cases providing a welcome return to in-person initiatives.
Lunar New Year Middle/Upper School Assemblies

Lunar New Year Middle/Upper School Assemblies

In honor of the Lunar New Year coming up on February 10, our Upper School East Asian Affinity Group, Korean Culture Club, Chinese Culture Club, & others hosted a Lunar New Year Celebration Assembly. We began with an outstanding dragon and kung fu dance by our...

HOPE Fashion Show UpCycle Workshop #2

HOPE Fashion Show UpCycle Workshop #2

We had our second upcycling workshop in preparation for our HOPE Fashion Show this Saturday, February 3 in Hajjar Auditorium. Lower School students workshopped with Upper School students to upcycle their clothes into new creations. It goes to show that anyone can have...

Grade 6 Identity Unit Celebration & Food Festival

Grade 6 Identity Unit Celebration & Food Festival

What a great way to wrap up a curriculum unit! 6th Graders concluded their academic Identity Unit earlier this week in a “D-Elicious” (and thoughtful) way. The students first shared personal presentations – candid reflections centering on their identity including...

Smugglers’ Notch Ski Trip

Smugglers’ Notch Ski Trip

Our annual Upper School Ski Trip to Smuggler’s Notch, coordinated by D-E 360°, was a blast! A large group of students and faculty/staff chaperones recently traveled to Vermont over the long MLK Day weekend for this fun, annual trip which traditionally is a hit with...
