D-E Activities & Clubs have worked incredibly hard to bring fun and engaging programming to the student body, in many cases providing a welcome return to in-person initiatives.
Club & Activities Fall 2021 Highlights 

Club & Activities Fall 2021 Highlights 

After more than a year of online clubs and limited gatherings, D-E is excited to have clubs and activities return to campus this year. Club leaders are eager to dive right back into the community projects, initiatives, and leadership opportunities that make our school...

The Arts Come Alive! 

The Arts Come Alive! 

We are overjoyed at the return of in-person arts this fall season. After more than a year of successful virtual and hybrid events, we are thrilled to see Orchestra, Jazz Rock, African Drumming, and more back on campus. For all arts-related programs and a look back at...

Arts Highlights

Arts Highlights

“Being a Designer is Awesome!”  -Erica Sellers ’08 of Studio SII We welcomed Erica Sellers '08 and her partner, Jeremy Silberberg, to speak on "Creative Freedom: Being a Designer is Awesome" to our Middle and Upper School students. Based in Brooklyn, Erica and Jeremy...

Welcome to Our D-E Community

Welcome to Our D-E Community

Gene Batiste arrives at D-E after serving as the Executive Director at Independent Education at the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington (AISGW), Vice President for Professional Development and School Field Services & Equity and Justice and...

Spirit Week in the Middle and Upper School

Spirit Week in the Middle and Upper School

Spirit Week in the Middle and Upper Schools this fall exceeded everyone’s expectations and was another vivid reminder of how far we’ve come since the pandemic began.  Themed apparel days including the traditional “PJ” and “D-E Spirit” Days literally brightened-up...
