Beyond the Classroom

There have been so many opportunities over the past few months for our students, faculty/staff, and families to enjoy learning experiences far beyond the confines of the classroom. This is all thanks to robust, exciting student life and community service initiatives. From our youngest students involved in Affinity Group-led diversity awareness assembly programs and being mentored in hands-on STEM workshops…  to Middle and Upper School student leaders of clubs that are focused on the arts, identity, community service and specific interest areas  … our mission is fully in action through D-E’s co-curricular offerings.

The D-E Garden Club, Jazz Rock, INSPIRE ( Introducing New Solutions to Promote Integrity & Respect Everywhere), WISE (Women in STEM Education), JADE (Jewish Awareness at D-E); GSA (Gender & Sexuality Awareness) and Spoonies ( a club dedicated to raising awareness about Chronic Illness) are just a few examples of clubs that have made a wonderful, positive impact on the School over the past few months.

The photos here provide just a sampling of these activities; please see the following pages for more specific examples of our students doing their part to ‘make it better’ through fundraising programs including V-Day 2023 and Art in Action, and affinity group activities celebrating differences.

Black History Month US Assembly Highlights

Black History Month US Assembly Highlights

In celebration of Black History Month, the Black Affinity student organization presented an Upper School assembly highlighting Black people in music and entertainment. In his opening remarks, Black Affinity leader Pape Toure ’25 shared that this assembly “centers on...
