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  2.  | String Society 2018

String Society 2018

Jun 4, 2019 | D-E 360 ̊

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Nearly 40 enthusiastic instrumentalists of all ages participated in String Society 2018, once again enjoying each other’s musicianship in an intensive week-long program now celebrating its eleventh year. Designed for exceptional string musicians in Grades 5-12, String Society has evolved into a beloved D-E 360° Summer Connections tradition. 


In the words of String Society Co-Director and Founder Annaliesa Place, “String Society offers a chance to learn, create, and perform ‘musical magic,’ and our timing at the beginning of the season helps dedicated musicians jump-start their summer!”


“Our program offers an immersive, intensive opportunity to explore gems of the string orchestra repertoire while also being introduced to music by living composers.” 


In addition to orchestra and chamber experiences, the “stringers” participated in private lessons, sectionals, an improvisational workshop, and mindfulness activities such as yoga. This year the program was thrilled to also welcome visiting ensemble Project Trio, a genre-defying chamber group comprising three virtuoso composers/performers from Brooklyn, NY. Project Trio led small ensemble sessions and then played together with the String Society Chamber Orchestra in a rousing Grand Finale Concert featured on the final day of the program. The concert epitomized the goals of the program, featuring pieces such as Bach’s Allegro from Bradenburg Concerto No. 2 and composers such as The Beatles (“Eleanor Rigby”), Brahms (Hungarian Dance #5), Villoldo (“El Choclo”), and Jenkins (“Palladio”). The Chamber Orchestra also performed Project Trio’s own composition “Winter in June.” 


String Society 2019 is once again planned for the first week of D-E 360° Summer Connections. For details about String Society 2019, including application/audition requirements, please visit www.d-e.org/stringsociety or call 201-227-3144. 

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