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  2.  | March Madness Alumni Challenge 2022 Makes Its Goal!

March Madness Alumni Challenge 2022 Makes Its Goal!

May 6, 2022 | Alumni Happenings, D-E Today 2021-2022

Thanks to the support of hundreds of alumni from Dwight School, Englewood School for Boys, and Dwight-Englewood, the March Madness Alumni Challenge 2022 was a huge success! The campaign was promoted with help from dozens of D-Edicated alumni class representatives encouraging their fellow, former classmates to “join the madness!”  Alumni were also treated to fun video reminder messages and social media posts featuring beloved D-E teachers and staff, including D-E Athletic Director Chris Schmid (aka “Schmiddy”) , as well as “Tough Cookies” Betsey Carson and Liz Traub. (See Editor’s Note). 

In the 10 Day Challenge that took place from March 25 – April 4 over 275 Alumni Donors raised more than $58,000, which unlocked $20,220 from an anonymous alumna for D-E’s Annual Fund!  In the grateful words of Alumni Relations Director Maria Sanchez Gardner ’78, “Your ongoing generosity demonstrates your commitment to D-E’s ideals and mission to ‘meet the challenges of a changing world and make it better.’ We are proud to see the loyalty of our alumni donors, who strengthen the school for years to come. We are profoundly grateful for your enduring support and the positive impact of your gift — all year long!”   

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