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Parent Ed. Hosts “Digital Wellness” Discussions

Sep 28, 2024 | Recent News

During a set of well-attended Digital Wellness discussions earlier this week, hosted by D-E’s Parent Ed. committee, our parents/guardians gained insight into how to foster healthy habits with their children regarding phone use, social media, group chats, and other digital experiences. Presenters included D-E Parent Ed. committee co-chairs Isabella (Lacayo) Hochstadt and Elyse Dreyer along with D-E Interim Head of School Preeti Fibiger; Diana Gross, Chief Innovation Officer; Lisa Wittner, Director of Social Emotional Learning; Dr. Deirdre O’Malley, Director of Counseling Services; Colleen Larionoff, Middle/Upper School Innovation Coordinator; and Georgia Unger ’25. Georgia is a D-E senior who helped organize a D-E Upper School ‘phone cleanse’ event last year and spoke from the student perspective. D-E parents/guardians can look forward to future programming events related to digital wellness! 

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