A full house was on hand for “Shaking It Up with Shakespeare”, a D-Elightful live concert featuring our Lower School Chorus and Middle School Chorus and Show Choir ensembles. From sonnet snippets and songs based on Shakespeare’s tragedies, comedies, and history-based plays… to toe-tapping songs from “& Juliet” and hilarious dances inspired by the hit “Something’s Rotten”, this show had it all! BRAVO to all our performers, crew, and ensemble directors! And to all fans of LIVE music: Save the date for Monday, Feb. 3! Our Upper School Chorus, Stage Band & Jazz Workshop ensembles will perform a great selection of jazz classics!

BRAVO! A D-Elightful “Shaking It Up With Shakespeare”Concert
Mean Girls: High School Version Tickets
Announcing Our Next Head of School
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