Namaste! Lower School students enjoyed a South Asian Culture Exhibit today in Hajjar Auditorium, with interactive stations where they could explore the arts, jewelry, clothing, and artifacts of India and surrounding countries. They had a chance to color mandalas, get temporary henna tattoos, wear decorative bindis, try on traditional garments, play games like chess (which originated in India!), and throw flower petals up in the air in celebration of Holi, a springtime Hindu festival of colors. There were also items on display—from musical instruments to cricket equipment. Parent volunteer Priyanka Reddy, whose daughter is kindergartner Inara ’37, explains that although traditions vary quite a bit in the region, “cricket is one sport that unites the nation.” Adds PA Secretary and event organizer Kalpana Bains ’99 P ’28, ’31: “It’s a beautiful thing to be able to share our culture with the D-E community… we’re helping to educate and engage students so they can understand South Asian culture better and learn from it in a fun way.”

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