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  2.  | Stage Band & Jazz Rock

Stage Band & Jazz Rock

Aug 17, 2022 | Appreciating the Arts, D-E Today 2021-2022

D-E was honored to host legendary musician, Don Byron, to perform with Stage Band. A Guggenheim Fellow, two-time Grammy nominee, and Pulitzer Prize nominee, Don Byron has been changing the soundscape of jazz for decades. D-E’s Stage Band and Jazz Workshop’s performance, “Mingus, Mancini, and a little bit of Miles” consisted of a selection of dazzling jazz pieces. Having Don Byron guest-teach and perform alongside students was an incredible opportunity. Congratulations, D-E Musicians!

Meanwhile, it would not be a D-E spring season without mention of Jazz Rock! A bi-annual tradition in the winter and spring, the Jazz Rock program provides an opportunity for students to collaborate to perform classic and contemporary hits in front of the Middle and Upper Schools. Led by music teacher Robert DeBellis, students performed songs like “Take Me to Church,” “Baby Don’t Lie to Me,” and more. Jazz Rock is a beloved tradition for the whole community to enjoy the talents and dedication of students and faculty. 

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