1. Appreciating the Arts
  2.  | Swartley Gallery Exhibits: Sabrina Weld, “Headspace”

Swartley Gallery Exhibits: Sabrina Weld, “Headspace”

Jun 29, 2023 | Appreciating the Arts, D-E Today 2022-2023 Spring

For our first exhibit of the 2023 year, we were thrilled to present ceramic artist Sabrina Weld and her exhibit “headSpace” in the Swartley Gallery. Sabrina’s larger-than-life works consist of sculpted figureheads that explore the surreal and whimsical. Sabrina’s work centers around exploring objects as actors, having worked in professional puppetry after receiving her BFA in ceramic sculpture from Alfred U.

Sabrina now mainly works with clay and paperclay, drawing inspiration from folk art, mythology, and fairytales. The animus in her sculptures in the Swartley Gallery was breathtaking!

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