1. Appreciating the Arts
  2.  | Orchestra Extravaganza Concert on Friday, April 26. 

Orchestra Extravaganza Concert on Friday, April 26. 

Apr 16, 2024 | Appreciating the Arts, Recent News

Save the Date! D-E Performing Arts proudly presents their annual Orchestra Extravaganza on Friday, April 26, at 7 PM in Schenck Auditorium! The concert will feature our student ensembles from all three (3) divisions, including the Lower School Band and Strings; Middle School (MS) Winds & Percussion and MS Strings; the MS Orchestra; and the Upper School (US) StringJam and US Orchestra. Listeners can look forward to hearing both classical and more contemporary music composers performed, ranging from W.A. Mozart (Symphony 40) and Lin-Manuel Miranda (Selections from Hamilton) to Camille Saint-Saëns (Baccanale from Samson and Delilah); Tchaikovsky (Variations on a Rococo Theme); and J. Offenbach (Can Can from Orpheus in the Underworld). 

Featured performers will include Quincy Eby ‘24 (Viola), one of D-E’s recent US Concerto Competition winners! The Orchestra Extravaganza concert  is FREE Admission and open to D-E families and friends of all ages! 

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