School Life Highlights
Visiting Presenters Highlights

Visiting Presenters Highlights

We had some awesome programming this fall thanks to visiting presenters on-campus and via zoom for parents, students, and faculty! For parents, we had a virtual Parent Education event with Signe Darpinian LMFT. Signe spoke to parents about “Raising a Peaceful...

School Life Highlights

School Life Highlights

The fall was full of festivities and fun with Spirit Week! Spirit Week was a blast with every division participating in some capacity. Monday was Pajama Day; Tuesday was Jersey Day; Wednesday was Pink-Out Day for Breast Cancer; Thursday was Baggy Clothes Day; Friday...

School Life & Co-Curricular Highlights

School Life & Co-Curricular Highlights

School Life & Co-Curricular Highlights The 2022-2023 school year thus far has seen dozens of D-E co-curricular programs both by and for our students in all three divisions, many of which have been also enjoyed by D-E faculty/staff, families, and friends.  We’ve...

Announcing Our Next Head of School
D-E 360° After Care and Enrichment
Athletics Schedule
D-E Today - News and Editorial Content