D-E Activities & Clubs have worked incredibly hard to bring fun and engaging programming to the student body, in many cases providing a welcome return to in-person initiatives.
US MultiCultural (INSPIRE Club) Assembly Highlights

US MultiCultural (INSPIRE Club) Assembly Highlights

This week the Upper School (US) INSPIRE student organization, focused on identity and culture, hosted a Multicultural Showcase. INSPIRE leaders Asher Cohen ’25, Musashi Shabazz ’25, Maya Jarrett ’25, and Cameron Gennardo ’26 gave opening remarks introducing the eight...

MS South Asian Cultural Showcase Assembly Highlights

MS South Asian Cultural Showcase Assembly Highlights

The celebration of South Asian culture continued this week during the Middle School (MS) Assembly, where the focus was on India and the diversity within its 28 states. Following a lovely rendition of the national song of India, students learned about Bollywood (it...

LS South Asian Culture Exhibit Highlights

LS South Asian Culture Exhibit Highlights

Namaste! Lower School students enjoyed a South Asian Culture Exhibit today in Hajjar Auditorium, with interactive stations where they could explore the arts, jewelry, clothing, and artifacts of India and surrounding countries. They had a chance to color mandalas, get...

D-E Faculty/Staff Share Learnings on AI in Education

D-E Faculty/Staff Share Learnings on AI in Education

The future is here! Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education was the theme of a recent Professional Development Day for all faculty and staff. In her opening remarks, Interim Head of School Preeti Fibiger declared, “To ‘meet the challenges of a changing world,’ we need to understand what those changes are.” This made spotlighting rapidly evolving AI technologies a natural choice for our community.

Sessions were interactive and offered opportunities to engage in productive discussions about how students can use AI most effectively. When used correctly, “AI builds confidence with students to write a strong paper,” noted Ms. Diane Christian (D-E English Department faculty member) during her session on thesis writing with AI.

The day concluded with a student panel discussion, moderated by Soham Bafana ’25, and featuring Sylvie Yao ’27, Jared Mosseri ’27, Reya Shah ’27, and Lucas Brown ’25, who gave their perspectives on using AI in the classroom, such as the idea that AI can help visual learners. Ultimately, said Mr. Justin Weiner (D-E History Department faculty member), during his session on deepfakes, “AI won’t remove the human touch.
