Together We Can
Together they stand tall like a champion, Together they contemplate the problem, Together they smell the scent of success, Together they taste their goal, a goal that tastes sweet like sugar, Together they touch hands to symbolize their partnership. This idea of...
Handwashing Message from Nurse Krane
In addition to staying home and maintaining a 6-foot physical distance when we go out, handwashing and keeping our hands off our face are of paramount importance. I have had an opportunity to speak to a few of the zoom classes, reinforcing these “rules”. The short...
D-E Covid-19 Website
D-E Tribune: “Created by Kids for Kids”
Submitted by Kim Lewis Rachel Brainin, Lower School Research/Information Specialist, guided several 5th grade students in the production of the Lower School newspaper called the D-E Tribune. This paper was started last year by two 5th grade students and their...
Computer Eye Fatigue
Submitted by Maureen Krane, R.N. Eye Fatigue During Computer Use As our children’s computer time increases, it is always good to observe them for eye fatigue. Highly recommended by eye care specialists, the 20-20-20 rule will help prevent fatigue. This rule suggests...
Kindergarten Forts!
Submitted by Susan Abramson The Lower School schedule created is intended to provide structure and flexibility. It is meant to provide instruction to be sure children keep learning, but we have also tried to address children’s universal drive to create, explore and...
Message from Joe Algrant, US Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians, While we are closely monitoring the global public health situation as you’ve read in recent messages, we also are trying to operate school in a normal fashion, and to that end I want to remind you about important events upcoming in the next...
PEP Talk: Deirdre O’Malley, Psy. D., D-E Upper School Psychologist
As children spend more time online, there is increased pressure to present themselves in idealized ways. – How does the current online culture affect body image and disordered eating? – And why do we overlook the fact that so many boys are affected by this phenomenon?...
The History of the Lower School Valentine’s Day Concert
Music education in the Lower School at Dwight-Englewood includes singing, movement, music appreciation and music history, as well as the skills of listening, reading, playing, and writing music. Another important aspect is giving children opportunities to...
Bringing the American Revolution to Life
Fifth graders brought The American Revolution to life with their Information reading and writing units. Their background knowledge of the American Revolution from Social Studies class laid the groundwork for their ability to successfully comprehend the non-fiction...