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  2.  | Greetings From Jonathan Davis, MS Principal

Greetings From Jonathan Davis, MS Principal

Jan 9, 2020 | MS Messages

Welcome to 2020!  We’ve had a great start to the school week, and I’m looking forward to a year of positive growth for our Middle School students.

I want to let you know about next week’s Middle School (MS) program that is an annual part of the school experience. Thursday, January 16th will be our Annual MS Community-Diversity Day. Given the mission of D-E to embrace diversity and to seek excellence, this day long program is a unique learning experience, integral to the MS program.

We will not have regular classes for this day and instead engage students in several group learning experiences involving community-building and exploring matters of diversity and inclusion that are pertinent to them as members of the D-E community.

This year’s theme will be:

Since we are a diverse community, what does it mean to embrace diversity?

MS teachers have collaborated to build this day of learning for the students. As educators, we have noted that MS students are capable of a relatively deep dive into this query, that we can support them in going below the surface, and that together we can offer an engaging learning experience. We are hoping for students to grapple with real world issues, to hear real stories from their peers, and some students will be involved in leading aspects of the day.

I’m excited that we are doing this day, as it will help students “meet the challenges of a changing world and make it better.”

There are several upcoming events detailed here, including: 

Thursday, Jan. 16: Untangling our Daughters “Parent Educating Parents” (PEP) Talk: 8:30 AM in Hulst House. Based on the book by author Lisa Damour, Ph.D. ,and facilitated by D-E Parent Sharon Thomas. Here is more event info:  https://pa.d-e.org/blog/2019/12/20/parent-ed-pep-talk-untangling-our-daughters/

Monday, Jan. 20: D-E Day of Service / MLK Day 2020. Click here for details.

Thursday, Jan. 30: Anne of Green Gables, by the MS Show Choir. Featuring a new musical by the Director of D-E MS Show Choir, Jake Lloyd. 7:00 PM in Schenck Auditorium. Free admission.

Lastly, a reminder that the first semester (Fall Term 2019) ends Friday, Jan. 24th.  The faculty will be finalizing report cards at that point, and you will get a notification from me when they are ready to be viewed.



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