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Visiting Presenters Highlights

Dec 22, 2023 | D-E Today 2023-2024

We had some awesome programming this fall thanks to visiting presenters on-campus and via zoom for parents, students, and faculty! For parents, we had a virtual Parent Education event with Signe Darpinian LMFT. Signe spoke to parents about “Raising a Peaceful Relationship with Food & The Body”. For students and faculty, we had the pleasure to speak with Dr. Teri Lassiter from Rutgers University about the case of Henrietta Lacks and the prevalence of ethics in medicine. Finally, Mariam Abdelhaq ’17 stopped by to have a chat with D-EFAC (D-E Fights Against Cancer). During Mariam’s first treatment of chemo for breast cancer, she received support from D-EFAC. We are grateful for all our visiting presenters and guests for their time, their insights, and their candor. Cheers!

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