School Life Highlights

D-E Today 2023-2024 Spring | Featured Posts
It’s been a fantastic school year for clubs (in all divisions!) Students have gone beyond the classroom to not only compete in club sports and academic competitions but also bring incredible programming to the D-E community––there has been something for everyone! Let’s look back at some of the highlights of this past season.

School Life Highlights

Model UN Meets Success at NAIMUN

Model UN Meets Success at NAIMUN

Our US Model UN Team has also had an outstanding season! At NAIMUN (North American Invitational Model United Nations) at Georgetown University in February, over 3000 delegates from the East Coast competed in heated dialogues and events. More than 10 delegates received...

It’s Been a STEM-tastic Season!

It’s Been a STEM-tastic Season!

Congratulations to our Upper School (US) Robotics Teams, Team 207 Critical Mass & Team 13048 Absolute Zero for heading to the State Tournament! In their last League Tournament at Emerson Jr/Sr High School against 18 other Bergen County teams, Critical Mass ranked...

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