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  2.  | Highlights from MS/US Orchestra and Choral & Handbell Concerts

Highlights from MS/US Orchestra and Choral & Handbell Concerts

Dec 16, 2024 | Appreciating the Arts, Recent News, School Life Highlights, Seasonal Scenes

BRAVO to our Middle/Upper School Orchestra and Choral & Handbell ensembles for a wonderful set of live concerts! Last week audiences were treated to fantastic performances showcasing the hard work of these ensembles. For the first concert, our orchestral students played alongside adult instrumentalists, many of whom are both on the D-E Music Department faculty and hold professional positions outside of the School, which (in the words of Performing Arts Dean Adam Slee) “was a truly exceptional opportunity.”  Then on Thursday Dec. 12, the sounds of beautifully blended voices and handbells filled Hajjar Auditorium, for a concert that included plenty of holiday cheer and a spirited sing-a-long to “Over the River & Through the Woods.”  Thank you to all our musicians, ensemble directors, and crew, and also to our families for supporting these D-Edicated performers! 

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