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PsychD-E Club Conducts a Phantom Limb Experiment

Jan 27, 2025 | Recent News, Seeking Excellence

The brain is a powerful thing! The PsychD-E club, advised by Human Development Chair Dr. Daniel Carragher, held a psychology experiment in the STEM Center, based on the phantom limb theory, the sensation and perception of amputees that their missing limb is still attached. Student volunteers unaware of the experiment sat at a desk with a gloved rubber hand tucked into one of their sleeves to resemble their actual hand. Data collectors then logged the level of pain the volunteers felt after the interactors lightly stroked, poked, slapped, and then dropped a book on the fake hand. Several students reported they actually felt the pain from the book drop! Club leader Piper Rosenberg ’26 says when the group was deciding on an experiment, they wanted to do something interactive. “We surveyed our club members and [the phantom limb] was the top choice…it would also be easy to facilitate,” she says. The data from the experiment will be compiled and released in the coming days. 

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