AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science provides juniors and seniors with a college-level understanding of the biological, chemical, and physical systems that create the conditions necessary for the variety of life on earth and of how human activities have affected and continue to...

Environmental Science (Elective Class)

Environmental Science (Elective Class)

In this elective course, juniors and seniors develop a deeper understanding of the natural environment, its beauty, and some of the ways in which it supports us. A study of food webs, and nutrient cycles provides a foundational knowledge of how healthy ecosystems...

Integrated Biology and Chemistry II

In this required tenth grade science class students apply concepts from biology and chemistry to understanding and solving sustainability issues. Almost every unit has a sustainability topic tied in; for example, evolution is paired with habitat fragmentation,...

Dwight-Englewood in the Garden (DIG)

DIG, an elective “discovery class,” provides a hands-on experience in organic gardening to interested 7th and 8th grade students. Lessons on the history of agriculture, the science behind modern farming, and the effects of practices like monoculture on the environment...

Seventh Grade Science

In a subunit of this class, students answer the guiding question, "How Can I Help Protect the Planet?" In doing so, students address ways they can realistically have a positive impact on the environment; for instance, students learn about the direct impacts of our...

Sixth Grade CFA Partnership

The Sixth Grade has a long relationship with the Center for Food Action Garden in Englewood. This garden supplies fresh, organic produce to families struggling with food insecurity, adding variety to their diets and supplying essential nutrients. This garden was first...

Sixth Grade Science

In sixth grade science, students start off the school year by learning how to make scientific observations. This allows them to explore our campus and garden,  gather data, and understand the natural world and the processes that govern it. The scientific...


Dwight-Englewood maintains two colonies of honey bees located near the Nettie Coit Garden. There is also a much smaller demonstration hive located in the Library, where one can see the bees moving about within the hive, which is made of glass. These bees pollinate...

Pollinator Border

The Nettie Coit Garden is surrounded by a pollinator border full of plants designed to attract bees, monarch butterflies, and other pollinators. These pollinators, attracted by the flowers in the pollinator border, go on to also pollinate the various vegetables in the...

Nettie Louise Coit Teaching Garden

The Nettie Lousie Coit Teaching Garden is a large organic garden situated on campus. As the name suggests, the primary purpose of this garden is to educate students and community members about sustainable agricultural practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping,...

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