Bringing the American Revolution to Life

Bringing the American Revolution to Life

Fifth graders brought The American Revolution to life with their Information reading and writing units. Their background knowledge of the American Revolution from Social Studies class laid the groundwork for their ability to successfully comprehend the non-fiction...

PA presents LS Skate Day 2020

PA presents LS Skate Day 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020 5:00 – 7:00 PM The Ice House, Hackensack, NJ Admission, skate rental, and refreshments all provided by the D-E Parents’ Association. Bring the whole family! Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up Original...

Author Peter Ackerman Visits the Lower School

Author Peter Ackerman Visits the Lower School

Peter Ackerman entered the Lower School to the warmest of welcomes from the students. After weeks of reading Ackerman’s books and learning about him, the students were bursting with excited energy to meet the author. As Ackerman walked through the halls, he was met...

Checking in with the LS Learning Specialists

Checking in with the LS Learning Specialists

Learning to Read and Write Sophia Dorner, Learning Specialist Preschool 3-Grade 2 In the Lower School, preparation for learning to read and write to communicate thoughts begins in Preschool 4. The Preschool 4 team and I plan together during the summer, reflecting on...

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