As children spend more time online, there is increased pressure to present themselves in idealized ways. – How does the current online culture affect body image and disordered eating? – And why do we overlook the fact that so many boys are affected by this phenomenon?...
The History of the Lower School Valentine’s Day Concert
Music education in the Lower School at Dwight-Englewood includes singing, movement, music appreciation and music history, as well as the skills of listening, reading, playing, and writing music. Another important aspect is giving children opportunities to...
Bringing the American Revolution to Life
Fifth graders brought The American Revolution to life with their Information reading and writing units. Their background knowledge of the American Revolution from Social Studies class laid the groundwork for their ability to successfully comprehend the non-fiction...
Looking ahead to 2020-2021: Academic Scheduling Begins
As we begin to plan for next year (yes it’s that time), we are altering our process from previous years just a little, aiming to make things a little more clear and efficient. There are many steps to the decisions that students will make, and we’ll start this week...
PA presents LS Skate Day 2020
Sunday, March 1, 2020 5:00 – 7:00 PM The Ice House, Hackensack, NJ Admission, skate rental, and refreshments all provided by the D-E Parents’ Association. Bring the whole family! Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up Original...
Live at the Bulldog Lounge: Bulldog Bash is May 2, 2020
You’re Invited: Enjoy D-E’s biggest fundraiser of the year and Laugh locally! Bulldog Bash is Saturday, May 2, 2020, “live at the Bulldog Lounge”! For details and online RSVP visit! Original Article
Learn Boldly with us!
Learn Boldly with us! Registration now open; hurry, Early Bird Discount ends March 1! Visit or call 201-237-3144 today! Original Article
Third Grade Experts Write About What They Know
Third graders love writing! During our recently completed nonfiction unit, students chose a topic to write about based on their own expertise. Students chose to share their knowledge about how to design a locker, various sports, several animals, and space. The...
Author Peter Ackerman Visits the Lower School
Peter Ackerman entered the Lower School to the warmest of welcomes from the students. After weeks of reading Ackerman’s books and learning about him, the students were bursting with excited energy to meet the author. As Ackerman walked through the halls, he was met...
Checking in with the LS Learning Specialists
Learning to Read and Write Sophia Dorner, Learning Specialist Preschool 3-Grade 2 In the Lower School, preparation for learning to read and write to communicate thoughts begins in Preschool 4. The Preschool 4 team and I plan together during the summer, reflecting on...