School Life Highlights
D-E 360°’s Fencing Program Provides Opportunities for Advancement

D-E 360°’s Fencing Program Provides Opportunities for Advancement

En garde! Earlier this year D-E 360°’s Afterschool Programming Team (ACE) hosted a fencing demo in the Lower School, which was a big hit with our youngest Bulldogs. D-E partners with the Manhattan Fencing Center to offer classes in the LS gym. Registration for the 2024-2025 academic year began this month for students in grades 1-8; however, admission is rolling, so it isn’t too late to register. Student fencers practice on Tuesdays (Beginner, from 4 PM to 5 PM; and Advanced, from 5 PM to 6 PM). “[Fencing] is a gateway to personal growth, new experiences, and lifelong friendships,” says Ms. Julia Gelman, Executive Director for Manhattan Fencing. “Through this program, children can travel to competitions, challenge themselves in exciting new ways, and achieve their fitness, academic, and athletic goals.” Our current students’ enthusiasm for the activity is a testament to this mission. “This is awesome–I love this!” says Cedrick K. ’36, a first grader in the program.

The Spirit of Dr. King Inspires Community and Acts of Service at D-E

The Spirit of Dr. King Inspires Community and Acts of Service at D-E

All divisions at D-E came together the week of Jan. 20 to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As an act of service, students enrolled in D-E 360°’s ACE program wrote letters of gratitude to U.S. service men and women, veterans, and first responders as part of Operation Gratitude. In addition, the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools, respectively, held assemblies dedicated to honoring MLK. LS students shared what they learned from the book Say Something! by Peter H. Reynolds and what they did to make the world a bit better. Meanwhile, US students enjoyed two performances by renowned jazz violinist Kersten Stevens and heard from local artist Philip Smallwood, whose painting “A Life of Service” was on display. The work celebrates the life and contributions of Bergen County resident Dr. Theodora Lacey, a friend of Dr. King and a Civil Rights activist in her own right. Mr. Smallwood gave parting words to students that “Everybody possesses greatness… I believe in you.”

2nd Semester Kick-Off Highlights 

2nd Semester Kick-Off Highlights 

Thanks to the efforts of our D-E Parents’ Association volunteers, Middle/Upper School students celebrated the recent start of 2nd semester in a fun way. Snacks, balloon displays, signs, and a special gift for our Class of 2025 greeted students on the official 1st day...

Career Day Assembly Inspires Future Entrepreneurs

Career Day Assembly Inspires Future Entrepreneurs

On Thursday, Jan. 16, Business Leaders at D-E (BLADE) hosted a Career Day Assembly for the Upper School in Schenck Auditorium, where a panel of entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds shared their career journeys. The panel consisted of Gautam Kumar, founder of Milu Health; Erica Schroeder, voice actress; Illana Raia, founder of Être; Heather Benveniste, an independent legal consultant; Shweta Parikh, plastic surgeon; and Bari Schorr, VP of business and category development at Orva. “Hearing about the various paths these accomplished individuals have taken to reach their current positions is important for students who might find themselves on similar paths in the future,” says BLADE club member Isabella Mayer ’26. “This diversity in experiences gave [us] a broad range of perspectives, showing that success doesn’t follow just one formula.” Thank you to our inspiring guests! Photo Credit: Grace Tomin ‘26.

Mean Girls: High School Version Tickets
Announcing Our Next Head of School
D-E 360° After Care and Enrichment
Athletics Schedule
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