1. Our Community of Learners
  2.  | From Joe Algrant, US Principal

From Joe Algrant, US Principal

May 15, 2019 | Our Community of Learners

Dear Families,

Tomorrow morning (Thursday, May 16), we will be having an extended Upper School (US) assembly program that I wanted to mention to you. One of the most important outcomes from our school response to the graffiti incident earlier in the spring was a request from students for more education on the subject of hatred. We wanted to address this need before the end of the year, and we are pleased to welcome Dr. Kyati J. Joshi to school to assist in our understanding of this history. Dr. Joshi is an award-winning scholar and professor of Education at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her extensive work in social science research and community connections inform policy-makers, educators, and everyday people about race, religion, and immigration in 21st century America.  (Note: Click here to learn even more about Dr. Joshi.)

Dr. Joshi will speak in direct response to the graffiti. Specifically, she will look at both anti-Semitism and anti- black racism, and the connections between them. The powerful image of the leaders of the Black Affinity Group and the JADE club (Jewish Awareness at DE) sitting together in meetings of student leaders symbolized and spurred their common interest in addressing the hate that was expressed by this graffiti on our campus. The program will also include some conversations, and questions and answers in a town hall format. Students will all have the chance to participate and engage this very relevant topic.

I hope that you will engage your child in a conversation around this program and discuss how they received the day, and how they are processing what they learned. We see the program this as another step in our learning and understanding about today’s world.  

In other news, today is the last day for seniors. They will celebrate (with their advisors and juniors) at the prom Friday night,  and for the next two weeks until Commencement. Next week they will be participating in various activities as a class, taking trips, and participating in smaller courses on campus. Traditions abound this time of year and you’ll be hearing more from me in the coming weeks about these programs as we wrap up the year. 

Speaking of end-of-year programs, a quick shout-out to our athletics teams, which will be celebrating their season with the Spring Sports Banquet on May 23; the Swartley Gallery Series Senior Spotlight Exhibit, which opens next week; and the Senior Spring Theatre Production, which is performing CARRIE on May 24-26 in Hajjar Auditorium.  For details on each of these events see below. 

Looking forward to a successful end-of-year,

Joe Algrant

US Principal 

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