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Nurse’s Office Update

Jul 3, 2019 | Our Community of Learners

The end of this school year brings the retirement of Sara Schulman, who has been our Middle/Upper School Nurse for the past 10 years. Sara stepped in at a critical time after the sudden passing of our previous nurse, and she has been with us since. She brought vast experience with her, both about nursing and about general aspects of health and wellbeing. She has shared advice about dealing with various kinds of ailments with anyone who was in her office, and she always seemed to appear with the appropriate cure. She has also led our work on concussion protocols that we have instituted and continue to address.

Sara will be finishing her work soon, and I am pleased to announce that we have hired another wonderful nurse to replace her. Let me introduce Allison Herriott, who will begin her work in August. Allison has been a critical care/intensive care nurse as well as a school nurse in several different settings. Alongside nursing, she has also done administrative health work in schools throughout the NYC area, so she brings with her all the important elements of the position. Most vitally, she has demonstrated already that she is an energetic and caring person who will take charge of the office when school starts, in the most positive of ways.

Allison arrives at the same time that we are implementing Magnus, our new service for health form management. She has worked with similar systems in other positions, and she will have no problem learning how to manage this one.

So far the switch to Magnus has been pretty clean. I know that several of you have been writing to Sara with questions or other comments about Magnus or your particular child. Please know that once Sara leaves, her email will be forwarded to Allison, but there may be a short time lag before you hear a response. Magnus will continue to send you requests and alerts, and we will be working on the forms during the summer, both Allison and others in the office, to be sure that we stay current during the transition. If you encounter ongoing problems this summer, please be sure to let me know, but with luck all will continue to go smoothly.

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