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  4.  | Catalina Mahe ’22, Alumna, Former D-E Student Body President; Yale University ’26:

Catalina Mahe ’22, Alumna, Former D-E Student Body President; Yale University ’26:

Aug 17, 2022 | Student Voices

Q: What is it like being an alumna? 

A: I expected after I graduated that I would feel like I had “moved on” from high school. But working at the school over the summer, I feel like I’ve just continued to grow into a new position at D-E. The campus feels like a second home. It’s been a good way to transition into college before I head off to New Haven.

Q: What are you looking forward to at Yale? 

A: I checked the course catalog, and there are so many interdisciplinary classes that I’m excited to take. I’m also nervous about moving in because this will be my first time being away from home this way. My biggest concern is balancing everything, but I want to use all the resources I can to transition smoothly.

Q: What’s something that you enjoyed this summer? 

A: On July 4, I went with my friends and went on a boat, played some card games, and just had a good time. It’s those moments that I love, and it’s the perfect way before I transition into a new chapter of life.

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