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  2.  | THANK YOU! Bulldog Bash 2023 Surpasses Goal!

THANK YOU! Bulldog Bash 2023 Surpasses Goal!

Jun 29, 2023 | D-E Today 2022-2023 Spring

The D-E community joined together in a big way to “go for the gold” for Financial Aid during this year’s Bulldog Bash! Parents, alumni, faculty, staff and friends danced “through the D-Ecades” in Manhattan on April 29, and in the process raised a record-breaking $600,000 for D-E financial aid.

In the words of Head of School Jeremy Gregersen, who provided welcome remarks to the 400+ people in attendance, it was “heartwarming” and “amazing” to see the community come together for such a worthy cause.

Bulldog Bash Co-Chairs, Jennifer Goodman P’20, ’22, ’25 and Tammy Mager P’22, ’24 were solid gold inspirational leaders who created enthusiasm and camaraderie among the Bulldog Bash Committee volunteers. Roseann Todd P’19, ’23, our Auctioneer, along with Assistant Head of School for Advancement Pat Boig, had everyone bidding generously and even created a price frenzy for a coveted (and impossibly difficult to secure) Rao’s dinner reservation. 

Young alumna and current Yale University student Catalina Mahe ’22 and her mother, Paola Bettelli P’22, inspired attendees with their moving testimony about the life-altering difference that financial aid support makes to over 20% of the families in our D-E community. We cannot thank the Bettelli Mahe Family enough for inspiring us to record-breaking levels of generosity.

Once again, thank you to all for your time, generosity and unwavering support. We look forward to seeing you at Bulldog Bash next year (Save the Date: April 27, 2024) and continuing to work together for the betterment of our school.

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