This week the Middle School celebrated Diversity Day, an all-day program hosted by Ms. Henry and the DEIB (Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging) Office. Students heard from speakers like Dr. Marsha Maxwell about the importance of inclusive AI and even saw an artificial “deepfake”, a fake video, of their principal! They moved onto their small group workshops: cooking rice to make Venezuelan chicha and fried rice; learning about the science of skin color; making yarn art inspired by the Huichol people’s customs; and learning a latin mambo, among other things! Students then learned about the meaning and importance of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, (and fasting and feasting), thanks to a lovely presentation by D-E parent Ferdouse Sartawi. We ended our day with a colorful Holi color throwing celebration on Graham Field, in honor of the Hindu holiday that marks the victory of good versus evil. Cheers to an incredible day!

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