D-E ’78

Aug 30, 2018 | Our Community of Learners

Ellen Forman sent this update: “My 28-year-old stepdaughter got married last year and is finishing up a Ph.D. in American history at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her husband is an attorney just like her dad and me. I work only part time now, leaving me lots of time for yoga and exploring our new hometown of Petaluma; we moved to Sonoma County in April after living almost 20 years in Marin County. My 38-year-old two-step daughter (we’re an American family) is a Unitarian Universalist minister and is married with an almost four-year-old son who calls me ‘GramE.'”

Dr. Gita Krull-Aquila is an HIV/AIDS program coordinator in Langhorne, PA. She specializes in healthcare coordination and case management. Gita lives in South Jersey with her husband, Michael, who is a clinical psychologist, and two children, Gabrielle and Michael, along with two cats. Gabrielle is a rising senior at Rutgers Camden studying health sciences and nursing. Michael just graduated from Bishop Eustace Prep where he made National Honor Society.

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