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  2.  | Dwight-Englewood School: Celebrating Our Story

Dwight-Englewood School: Celebrating Our Story

Jun 30, 2015 | Our Community of Learners

Karl Zimmermann ESB ’61
The Donning Company Publishers
May 2014


One hundred and twenty-five years in the making, today’s Dwight-Englewood School has been shaped by legions of teachers and administrators who have shepherded many thousands of students into adulthood, and also by the events and assumptions of each era of the schools’ substantial history. This volume provides a framework for understanding the evolution and growth of Dwight School, the Englewood School for Boys, the Bede School, and Dwight-Englewood, while dipping in for a closer look at some aspects of life and learning at all the schools.

“Sharing our story” is the book’s theme and goal. While certainly not definitive – that would be impossible – this history is descriptive, we hope, of the richness of Dwight-Englewood’s traditions. Welcome, reader, to our story, which is still being written every minute of every day.

Copies of the book can be purchased at the bookstore on campus or by contacting the Alumni Office at 201-227-3111.

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