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Celebrating Earth Day through Poems

Apr 22, 2020 | Our Community of Learners

Fifth graders are currently enjoying reading poems by published authors to discuss powerful messages. As part of celebrating Earth Day, 5A students wrote poems inspired by the idea of making a positive impact in our community. Below are just a few samples from the class. We will soon share all of our work created in this unit. We are all world changers!

I Am A World Changer
By: Caroline

I am a world changer.
I wonder what the Earth will look like in 200 years.
I hear the voices of Mother Nature telling us to change.
I see all the past, present, and future third graders making a difference.
I want Earth to survive forever.
I am a world changer.

I am a world changer.
I worry about every animal on Earth.
I feel like some people don’t even care about our planet.
I spread love and empathy.
I dream of litter-free oceans and a clean environment.
I hope humans make a change and endangered species will survive.
I am a world changer.

I Am a World Changer
By: Lucy

I am a world changer
I wonder how the earth is going to look like in 30 years
I hear on the news that certain species of animals are dying
I see pollution in the air coming out of buildings
I want the earth to have a better environment
I am a world changer

I am a world changer
I worry that in the future the earth might be worse than how it is now
I feel that people need to take better care of it
I say that people need to know what’s going on and not just ignore it
I dream that one day our earth will be healthy
I hope that people will learn to take care of our earth and not destroy it
I am world changer

I Am
By: Kruz

I am a world changer.
I wonder if our Earth is in danger,
I hear protesters with strong voices, loud opinions, wrong choices
I see movement in the news,
I want answers not views,
I am a world changer.

I am a world changer.
I worry and suit up to make a change,
I feel the world’s pain.
I say we need to make the right choices,
I dream that our world will be a better place,
I hope and I vow, I stand up now, this is Major.
I am a world changer.

I Am a World Changer
By: Andre

I am a world changer.
I wonder what the future will bring.
I hear the sounds of suffering.
I see what all the world can be.
I want things to work renewably.
I am a world changer.

I am a world changer.
I worry about fossil fuels.
I feel like they’ll bring us to ruin.
I dream of an untouched wilderness.
I hope these objectives we won’t miss.
I am a world changer.

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