Installation Highlights

D-E Today 2022-2023 Spring | Featured Posts | Installation
By: Bart Klemensowski

Installation Highlights

Dear D-E Families and Friends,

Dwight-Englewood School celebrated a major community milestone on May 7,  2023, when Jeremy Gregersen was officially installed as our new Head of School.

The Installation Ceremony was a wonderful, historic gathering that welcomed more than 400 guests to Leggett Field’s “big tent” and which was made even more memorable thanks to picture-perfect sunny skies. Attendees included current students and their families, current and former faculty/staff members, Trustees and Trustees Emeriti, alumni of Dwight School, Englewood School for Boys, and D-E, and friends of D-E.

The program was centered on the themes of honoring D-E’s past, present and future, and commenced with the ringing of the D-E Bell, bagpipers, and a procession which included a clear crowd favorite: flags carried by students and family members representing all 15 of the School’s class years (2023-2037)!

The appreciative audience was treated to nostalgic glimpses into the School’s rich history and hopes for an ongoing legacy of learning, hearing from alumni, student and faculty readers and speakers, and executive officers of the Board including President Rob Miller and First Vice President Josh Peirez. Additionally, the program provided a fantastic showcase of our D-E student music ensembles: the All-School Orchestra, Upper School Orchestra, and Jazz Rock all were featured, the last of which provided a soulful performance of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”

A highlight of the ceremony was when Mr. Gregersen provided his Installation Address remarks. Mr. Gregersen spoke eloquently to the ideas captured in the D-E mission statement and his own vision for D-E going forward, as well as sharing personal reflections. Having served as Head of School since January 1, 2023, Mr. Gregersen expressed sincere gratitude to all who have welcomed him and his family thus far to D-E and for “… truly making this year of transition a joy.”

Then, thoughtfully weaving together his perspectives as both a poet and teacher as well as an experienced school leader, Mr. Gregersen spoke to the writers who have inspired him and prompted a recent family trip to Concord’s Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.  Mr. Gregersen then went on to speak both comprehensively and meaningfully to how, through instilling leadership and defying “conventional notions”… as well as through DEIB work, the arts, athletics, and academic programs… “we have to remain consistent only in our consistent desire to adapt… in the years to come, again we will survey the needs of the students in our care and do what is right to prepare them to meet the challenges of a changing world that has changed, and will remain changing.”

Mr. Gregersen concluded his remarks by quoting from poet Alice Fulton, and then noting “…Like poetry, like education, the building of a school unique as ours is never finished.  Which means there’s no time like now to get started…”

Sincere congratulations to Mr. Gregersen and welcome again to him and his family! And to all in our community who were involved in the Installation Ceremony, thank you for being a part of this important moment in the life of Dwight-Englewood School! For more details about the Installation ceremony, including a highlights video and transcript of Mr. Gregersen’s Installation address, scan the QR Code.

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