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Meredith Garcia, “Apocalyptic Lit”, “Globalization, Literature, & Film”

Jan 27, 2022 | Spotlight on English

Meredith (“Mimi”) Garcia had the unique challenge of teaching “Apocalyptic Lit” amidst the COVID-19 hybrid year. Still, the central questions of the course remained, “Will the apocalypse bring total annihilation, transcendence, bloodthirsty zombies, or all of the above? Will it bring people together or tear them apart?” As a medium, fiction allows for distance from both the material and reality, enough to critically engage with the text. Despite the fantastical, sci-fi qualities to apocalyptic literature, Mimi stresses that each text, from The Walking Dead to Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, speak to questions of human nature and of hope.

Mimi’s new course offering, “Globalization, Literature, & Film”, investigates how globalization and media have come to shape each other and our everyday lives. The course utilizes films like Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon (1950) and Walter Salles’ Motorcycle Diaries (2004) to discuss how politics, history, and cross-cultural encounters come to manifest in film. Mimi notes that the entire film industry and how we have come to watch film also plays a role in how we analyze and reflect on the relationship between literature and media—to be both critical of the past and the present.

PAW 2025 Includes Innovative Ways to Engage US Students in Lessons Learned

PAW 2025 Includes Innovative Ways to Engage US Students in Lessons Learned

Last week, D-E’s Upper School (US) students were immersed in our annual Projects & Assessments Week (PAW). “Over the course of the week, students engaged in a mixture of traditional exams and less traditional, but equally important, projects and workshops,” said US Principal Kim Lalli. “The goal is for students to have a variety of experiences that reflect the dynamic nature of our curriculum and give them a chance to demonstrate just how much they have learned so far this year.” Those experiences included going on trips to a DNA lab and the iFLY indoor skydiving facility. There were also some cross-divisional and cross-disciplinary opportunities for students to engage in. For example, students in Science Department Chair & Physics Teacher Tara Weinstein’s Honors Physics class worked with 3rd and 6th graders to design age-appropriate games as part of their PAW project. In addition, Paul Edwards, an Art & Design faculty member, gave a lecture on artistic influences during the Harlem Renaissance to the History class taught by Diane Christian. All in all, it was a stimulating week for our US students ahead of the spring break!

Community Is the Focus of the Middle School’s Diversity Day

Community Is the Focus of the Middle School’s Diversity Day

For the recent annual Middle School (MS) Diversity Day, now in its 6th year, MS students at D-E spent the day attending special activities and a variety of community-building workshops on topics of interest to D-E faculty/staff and affinity groups. MS Principal Jonathan Davis said it’s an event that is “grounded in our mission of meeting the challenges of a changing world and making it better.” The day began in Schenck Auditorium with guest speaker Eboné Bell, a prominent media figure who advocates for LGBTQ women, who spoke on creating intentional change. Students then dispersed to attend two of 16 available workshops, which included sessions on European folk songs, spoken word poetry, piñata making, hamantaschen baking, and the origin of beans. There was also a yoga class, a global dance party, an Advisory scavenger hunt, and a jubilant Holi celebration on Graham Field to wrap up the day. “Middle School is all about finding your place in the world and creating your own identity,” expressed Mr. Davis. “This is an opportunity for our students to know who they are and to give others the space to be who they are.”

Community Is the Focus of the Middle School’s Diversity Day
PAW 2025 Includes Innovative Ways to Engage US Students in Lessons Learned
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