D-E ’17

Mar 19, 2018 | Our Community of Learners

Maxine Musto as a college freshman took first prize in Franklin & Marshall College’s Solo and Concerto Competition playing the Concerto Number 2 for Violin by Henri Wieniawski. As a result, she earned the opportunity to perform the solo in concert with the orchestra on March 3. Maxine served as Concert Master on several occasions in our Upper School Orchestra. She also earned a spot in D-E’s Concerto Competition last year performing the Andante from J.S. Bach’s Violin Concerto in A Minor in the March 2017 Orchestra Extravaganza Concert.

Elliott Roman is honored to be performing multiple times throughout the year at Carnegie Hall on flute and piano with the New York Youth Symphony Orchestra.

Christopher “Chris” Victor sang at the Christmas Spectacular Show at Radio City Music Hall on December 17, 2017.

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