Charles Gibson “Gib” Durfee Jr. died peacefully at home on July 8, 2018, in Chevy Chase, MD, at the age of 84. Gib is survived by his wife, Camilla Vilas Durfee D ’53, and his children: Susan, Dorothy, Charles, Timothy, and Donald. He was the proud grandfather of ten grandchildren. He attended Phillips Academy and then his father’s alma mater, Yale University, where he sang with the Duke’s Men and the Whiffenpoofs. After serving four years as a naval officer, he worked at Electric Boat in Groton, CT. In 1964, he moved the young family to Pittsburgh, PA, where he worked for Westinghouse. Gib’s many friends remember him for his generosity, love of music, and radiant optimism.
ESB ’52
Camilla Vilas Durfee | Charles Gibson "Gib" Durfee Jr. | DWIGHT ’53 | ESB ’52 | Obituary
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