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  2.  | Artfully Practicing Perseverance through Exploration

Artfully Practicing Perseverance through Exploration

Dec 13, 2019 | LS Notes

Students in the Lower School community practice perseverance and courageously explore many different art materials. 

The second, third, and fourth graders just finished their first unit on perseverance where they tried new and challenging projects that built on their skills from the year before. The second graders learned how to bead in rows and patterns while third graders made new and more intricate beaded designs. The fourth graders made optical illusions with weaving, designed paper sneakers, and worked together to make large paper mosaics. 

In the mosaic project, students took inspiration from the works covering New York City subway stations. We discussed how art is everywhere and focused on the animal mosaics at the Museum of Natural History station. Each fourth grade class completed a large-scale tiled creature, working piece-by-piece, and then putting them together like a puzzle.

Through all these projects, I am very proud of the way students committed to the process of learning and growing as artists.

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