“You have read or heard me describe that the ‘why’ we are together as a community is our Mission. Our Mission lies at the foundation of ‘why’ we are all here. The ‘what’ we do at school (the program, content, skills, activities) continues to change as we help prepare students to meet the ever-changing challenges of the world in which we live. ‘How’ we do what we do, also changes as faculty and staff learn better ways to do ‘what’ they do…as they learn more from course-work, conferences, on-campus professional development, learning from their peers, and learning from listening to the experiences of their students. “
“Well, the world continues to change, so it makes sense to me that we should continue to rethink about what we do and how we do it… the natural process of growing, learning and improving. This process of ‘rethinking’ is at the heart of this book by Adam Grant: THINK AGAIN. I have discussed aspects of Adam Grant’s research and thinking with our faculty and staff in our Opening Days’ meetings, and I am sharing his book with all of our faculty and staff as well as one copy to each of our families.”
“Yes, I think this book might be that helpful to all of us… and I believe that faculty, staff, parents, and many of our older students can learn a lot from Adam Grant. I encourage you to read this book, early in our academic year, and share ideas in your family discussions. As a community, reading a common book like this may help bond us in our conversations and our work together. Enjoy, discuss, reflect, and share your thoughts about THINK AGAIN with your family, with others at our school and with friends and colleagues. “
Knowing What You Don’t Know
Think Again by Adam Grant offers us context to reflect upon our own D-E Mission. As we strive to adapt and educate in an ever-changing world, Grant challenges us to lean into rethinking and unlearning as part of the growing process.
“Being wrong is the only way I feel sure I’ve learned anything.”
– Adam Grant
In 2030, 2040, even 2050, what we know now may be proven false. Preparing ourselves to “think again” is more important than ever before. With the pace of our globally-connected world and so many voices, we are challenged to listen intentionally and with integrity.
“It takes confident humility to admit that we’re a work in progress. It shows that we care more about improving ourselves than proving ourselves.”
As we learn how to improve on what we do and how we do it, our Mission stays the same. However, Grant provides a fresh framework to reimagine what success looks like and how being wrong may lead to more and better discoveries for the future.
US Robotics Prep for Upcoming Meet
We caught up with Mr. Fleischl, coach of D-E’s Upper School Robotics Teams, at the STEM Center to talk shop as our Robotics teams, Critical Mass (Team 207) and Absolute Zero (Team 13048), prepare for their next meet in the FIRST Tech Challenge on Sunday, Jan. 19....
D-E Students Level Up in National Chess Championships
Checkmate! Cheers to our D-E 360° ACE (AfterCare & Enrichment) Chess Team, which had two players compete in the U.S. Chess Federation’s 2024 National K-12 Grade Championships in National Harbor, Maryland, from Dec. 6-8. Third grader Adam Y. ’34 and 11th grader Anna Radchenko ’26 exhibited great sportsmanship and represented D-E well, says Coach Mackenzie “Mac” Molner. “In this tournament, participants only play other kids from their own grade level,” explains Coach Mac. “It’s a very difficult tournament, to say the least!” In the face of such tough competition, Adam scored 3.5 points out of 7 games and Anna scored 4 out of 7 games. “I loved meeting players from all over the country and challenging stronger opponents,” says Adam. “I’m really proud of myself that I had a draw with a much higher-rated player and earned respect from him.”