D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/26/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/26/2019

D-E 360° View Summer Notes Edition 7/26/2019 Week 5 was alive with energy at D-E 360° Summer Connections 2019, thanks to thoughtful initiatives linked to Camp Kindness Day (celebrated on July 25); exciting hands-on Enrichment offerings such as Cut N Sew, Delectable...

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/19/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/19/2019

D-E 360° View Summer Notes Edition 7/19/2019 Despite this week’s unusually high temperatures, our Week 4 campers had myriad opportunities to beat the heat and learn boldly with new experiences in the arts, athletics, cooking, debate, entrepreneurship, leadership, and...

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/12/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/12/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/12/2019 What a wonderful Week 3 at D-E 360° Summer Connections! Our Enrichment campers continue to enjoy their ‘a la carte’ courses, ranging from Lotions & Potions to “The Verdict” and Volleyball! Our Immersive campers in...

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/3/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 7/3/2019

    D-E 360° View Summer Notes Edition 7/3/2019 It’s been a short but super Week 2 with D-E 360° Summer Connections (SC) 2019! Below are Week 2 highlights of our campers’ experiences within our Enrichment, Immersive, and Discoveries & Adventures and...

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 6/28/2019

D-E 360° View – Summer Notes Edition 6/28/2019

D-E 360° View Summer Notes Edition 6/28/2019 Welcome Summer! D-E 360° Summer Connections (SC) 2019 officially kicked-off Monday, June 24, and by all accounts it was a great success, with dozens of opportunities for all our campers (along with their teachers, “blue...

Summer Connections Countdown

Summer Connections Countdown

The start of D-E 360° Summer Connections (SC) 2019 is less than two weeks away! Catch our SC Countdown Clock here. Schedule your best summer ever: For a quick snapshot of Schedules for all our SC 2019 programs, including our Immersives as well as our Enrichment,...

Discoveries & Adventures Open Doors to New Worlds

Discoveries & Adventures Open Doors to New Worlds

    D-E 360° Summer Connections’ Discoveries, Adventures and Junior Summer Day Camp programs are for students who will be entering Preschool (age 3) through Grade 4 in Fall (September) 2019. Our programs offer age-appropriate activities that are carefully...

Summer “Immersives” Provide Deep Dive Learning

Summer “Immersives” Provide Deep Dive Learning

D-E 360° Summer Connections (SC) 2019 Immersives are for students in Grades 2-12. From arts and entrepreneurship to STEM and “Wall Street & You” — SC 2019 Immersives provide exceptional opportunities to learn from master level faculty and generally range...

D-E 360° View: Summer Notes Edition

  D-E 360° View: Summer Notes Edition Dear Friends, Welcome to D-E 360° View: Summer Notes Edition, the e-newsletter for D-E 360°. D-E 360° is centered on learning boldly for all seasons. What we’ve built with our year-around programs is an opportunity for...

Upper School Spring Sports Reel
D-E 360° Summer
Athletics Schedule
W.A.G. Week at a Glance
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