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Darby Lee-Stack ’23, D-EcoNews

Jan 27, 2022 | Spotlight on English

Amidst a busy hybrid year, rising Junior, Darby-Lee Stack ’23 saw an opportunity when she joined the Upper School Environmental club. Inspired by other established student publications like Parnassus and Calliope, Darby learned from ground-zero how to publish a magazine using InDesign. She positions herself as an intersectional environmentalist, emphasizing how climate change and other environmental issues affect communities differently. From the effects of fast fashion to the emergence of vertical farming, Darby is passionate about raising awareness and making lasting change.

“A lot of people think that just doing the small things, like buying almond milk instead of regular milk won’t do anything. Maybe it doesn’t do anything. Maybe it does. However, it is really looking at the big picture, looking as a community about what we do. It’s about individual progression, definitely, but as a community, that’s what really matters. That’s going to be reflected about what we do for the environment, but also ourselves.”

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MS Students ‘Learn By Doing’ in DIG 

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